Understanding the Local Waterfront Revitalization Grant

State and federal grants are common ways to fund large projects that the Town could not otherwise fund without a significant tax burden on residents.

Formal description of a LWRP
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities, and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.

Timeline of the LWRP
• 2017-2018: In search of finding means to afford necessary upgrades to our community park, Smith Memorial Park, without significantly affecting tax payers, the Town of Hector researched NYS grants available. The town applied for a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) grant which allows for a multitude of possible project grants under one umbrella plan, further cutting costs.

• In December of 2019, the Town of Hector was awarded the LWRP grant for $82,500 to create a plan for projects related to the waterfront and water protection.  This plan was a 75 / 25 grant (75% of the funds came from NYS’s consolidated funding and 25% were from the Town of Hector).

• An LWRP area was established which follows the town water district boundary. It includes 1,000 feet east of Route 414 down to the waterfront and the entire length of the Town of Hector from Watkins Glen up to Lodi.

• The Hector Town Board held 3 community meetings in August 2019 (1 open-house for residents and 2 round tables for businesses) and an online survey in August 2020 to collect feedback.

• Some of these projects within the LWRP area are: upgrades to Smith Park, preservation of historic resources, flood and erosion mitigation, water quality protections, Route 414 and Hector Falls safety studies, public water system expansion and feasibility of public sewage.

• In 2021, the Town Board found out with clarity that the LWRP would not be formally accepted without zoning. The reason being is that there ultimately has to be an authorizing/regulating body for full plan acceptance. In the short term, the town is able to use the LWRP plan to apply for grants since zoning is being reviewed. We will find out more information this coming week of March 7th.

More Information…
- The LWRP plan can be found on Town of Hector website.

- A video presentation of the LWRP can be found on the Town’s Facebook timeline on July 29th, 2020.

- To view NYS’s Consolidated Fund Grants click on the link below. Town of Hector is on page 13.